Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Greetings-Could always use an extra day but it's not a Leap Year is it...

This weeks weather has finally brought some natural snow to the backyard- much more on the mountains is the even better news as we got a mix of rain, falling slush and finally some snow here in the valley. I may get out to actually see winter. I have skied once without a camera on my body this winter. Why? I have been hunkered down in the Cave finally getting my portfolio site up which besides a few minor tweaks is about to "go live" in the next few days. So this blog which has served as my default "hodgepodge" web presence is about to be upstaged, in theory at least. My biggest challenge has always been shameless self promotion but looking back over the the past 1/2 decade of digital image work has convince me I have something of value to offer. So in a Winter Olympic year here comes my olympic effort- a look back to move forward. Long over due as the 4 people who read this know. My thanks to those who have gotten me here- my new site effort was dedicated and driven by your faith in my work- corny but so true... XO Bill

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